4 Simple (Ruby based) VScode extensions — 2021

Mehdi Noorani
2 min readJan 26, 2021


One of the best things about Visual Studio code (VScode), is the ability to seamlessly find and install useful extensions. These allows us as developers to work more efficiently and increase productivity when writing our code. Doing less work and getting more work done? Who doesn’t love that.

Remember: Work Smart Not Hard … so let’s begin.

1. Endwise

No one hates having to manually add ‘end’ to every single one of my code blocks. Well…maybe you do too, and so here is our solution.

As seen above, Endwise adds the ‘end’ keyword to our code structures in Ruby while maintaining the appropriate indentation levels.

2. Ruby Solograph

Tired of having to flip back and fourth between ruby documentation and your code to know if something you just added to your application is going to work right? Or, spending far too much time in your head thinking about the scope of that new variable / method you created?

Enter, Solograph.

2 Main Features:

  • IntelliSense → auto code-completion & suggestions for a variety of different use cases
  • Inline documentation → real time ruby documentation within the when hovering over a specific element (working on expanded support to rails)

3. Ruby Syntax Replacer

You might not be able to teach old dog new tricks … but why not just do the trick for them?

This is essentially what this extension does for us.

In this example, an update to Ruby was made where best practice for hash syntax was updated. This extension will automatically fix old syntax based on previous versions of Ruby, to the new one.

4. (Bonus) Icons

I’ll be honest… this one just looks cool.

Icons changes your boring old file system explorer, to a library of really cool icons to show off to your boss when they’ve asked how much work you’ve gotten done.

Any Questions?

If there are any further questions and/or additional cool extensions you think I should add to the list … Please comment below



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